We have been doing rope bondage performances for many years now most including suspension bondage, semi-nawa (torture rope) and intense emotional connection. Here are some videos and images from these performances.

Bondage Expo Dallas 2018

By |2024-08-17T22:47:09+01:00May 5th, 2018|Categories: Events, Performance|Tags: , , , |

We’ve been involved with BED right from the very beginning and have been a part of it every year since. We count the BED organisers as friends and their hospitality has lead to us having the feeling of coming home when we head to BED. I know I say that every year but we feel that every year. If there’s one thing I’d change I’d like to have more time to hang out after the event than we had this year. Sadly vacation time is limited and we had to leave the day after the event. Much tears and sad goodbyes.

SWAMP Shibari Show

By |2018-06-02T14:49:49+01:00September 14th, 2017|Categories: Events, Performance|Tags: , , |

For a long time our friend Jahc has been trying to get us to come and do a performance at SWAMP in Bristol.  A long time in this instance being believe it or not about 5 or 6 years. What with one thing and another the timing has never quite worked out. So it was good to finally be able to do it.

Bondage Expo Dallas 2017

By |2024-08-17T22:54:35+01:00May 19th, 2017|Categories: Events, Performance, Teaching|Tags: , , , , , , |

Memories of our great time at Bondage Expo Dallas in 2017. We had a great time tying, teaching and performing our brand of shibari bondage a great kinbaku performance and a fun shibari show to round off this event. We had a wonderful time meeting Nawashi Kanna for the first time. Our heartfelt thanks to everyone who makes this event so special to us.

Shibari in Brno, the Czech Republic February 2016

By |2024-08-17T22:55:56+01:00June 25th, 2016|Categories: Events, Performance, Teaching, Travel|Tags: , , , |

Well we had a wonderful time in the Czech Republic again. This time in the city of Brno. Two days of teaching rope bondage and a shibari performance night. We had a great venue in a martial arts club on the outskirts of the city where the spacious wood floored rooms provided an excellent working and performance space. Instead of a two day intensive there was a series of subject focused sessions. Thanks to everyone who came to these sessions. We had a great time teaching and I hope that we made a positive contribution to rope in Brno.

Une soirée de performance, sous le signe du semenawa, à la Place des Cordes avec Akira Naka

By |2024-08-17T23:12:42+01:00May 17th, 2015|Categories: Events, Performance|Tags: , , , , , , |

This was an unexpected little trip for us but a really nice one. We were asked to perform in Paris with Naka Akira in Paris. We live 15 minutes from an Airport but in usual style appropriate flights to Paris weren't available so we first had to drive to Birmingham to catch a flight to Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport.

Shibaricon 2012 Favourite moments.

By |2024-08-17T23:19:15+01:00June 2nd, 2013|Categories: Events, Festivals, Learning, Performance, Teaching, Workshops|Tags: , , , , , |

Anticipation Well there was a bunch of things to look forward to. Number one was learning that a photographic hero and inspiration, Norio Sugiura would be there! Getting nervous about meeting him. Being so pleased to meet him and having the chance to get a print in person. (It's strange looking back on this years later and thinking how much more we've seen him, what an extraordinary person he is and what a great artist he is. What we've learned over the years only makes us appreciate him more!) Takeshi Nagaike san's good humour, charm and old school tying style. It was very much a pleasure to meet him. If you see his work it's not like the shibari you might imagine it to be. Getting to go to the Andersen Japanese gardens for the first time was a great treat, our thanks to Jimmy Tato for taking us. We picked up some nice hashi before leaving. Also visiting the Asian market on the way back to the hotel I got an Agatsuma CD I didn't have. Saki Kamijoo And Wykd Dave In Nekomimi Ears In The Bar At Shibaricon 2012 Saki Kamijoo san was just so infectiously fun and instantly fitting into the mind as one of those people that you're just always glad to see. We've seen her many times since and I well remember getting drunk in the bar with her late one night. We had some time with Milla Reika and discovering the sweet, un-egotistical, enthusiastic and grounded person behind the mistress image. People are often not what you might imagine. Iambic9 is one of the most unassumingly nice and generous people I can think of, we've been glad [...]

Sinsations BDSM Play Party

By |2018-08-07T21:07:37+01:00September 16th, 2012|Categories: Events, Performance, Teaching|Tags: , , , , , |

It was great to be a part of the first Sinsations, a new event in Derbyshire. I can't remember a better first night of any event. Firstly the venue was excellent. It was as clean and well done as any I've been to. Normally a swingers club they naturally enough did not have a lot of BDSM furniture but everyone knew that before the event so nobody had a reason disappointed by that, also there were large benches in every room that were put to good use by many kinksters during the evening. There was a really good crowd came to the event, it was busy and convivial and I have to congratulate the organisers for the way they put this together, publicised it and ran it. We were there to do a rope bondage demonstration and a BDSM 101 class. The rope bondage show was newaza or floor work. Some of the people had seen us doing suspension based shows before so it was nice to be able to show them something closer to the kind of bondage that we enjoy in private. We would like to thank everyone that gave us such kind comments after the show and those that have posted and blogged about it since. We are really blown away by all your kindness and generosity. The BDSM 101 class is something that we present together and changes every time we do it. We try to cover the basics for a BDSM newcomer in a reasonable time. Again we have to thank everyone that gave such positive feedback and told us that they found it informative. All in all it was a tremendous first night for a new event. We [...]

Twisted Leprechaun (Dublin 2011) Shibari bondage performance by WykD Dave and Clover

By |2024-08-17T23:34:18+01:00August 17th, 2012|Categories: Events, Festivals, Performance|Tags: , , , , |

Twisted Leprechaun was Irelands first fetish and shibari festival. There is a lot goes into a festival event and I can only congratulate all the people who worked behind the scenes to make it so memorable. There are always problems behind the scenes but it's a testament to those behind the scenes that pretty much nobody attending the event saw them.

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