
By |2018-12-19T23:23:21+00:00December 19th, 2018|Categories: Random|Tags: |

Metrics are measures of things, for instance a scholarly article might have metrics derived from how many times it's referenced. The trouble is it may be referenced as an anti-example, for instance an example of how an article can be shitty, illogical, and basically worthless. It still got quoted do does being quoted equate to excellence? Obviously not. So what about the number of people who positively like something? Well imagine someone with no friends who posts the greatest picture ever taken? How many likes do you expect it to get? The person has not one friend to re-post, like, or get the image into a popular stream. So is the greatest image of all time now obviously crap due to the lack of public adulation? Obviously not so. Imagine another person who takes say a shower selfie. Not obviously the greatest image ever taken but this person has nearly a million followers! So it gets in a lot of streams, gets a lot of love, gets a lot of knock on love. One image has no loves, one has millions. Which one is the best image? The one seen the most? The one loved the most? Or have metrics nothing to do with quality? I would maintain that it's the latter. Try to do good work, forget if people like it. Who liked it anyway? People you don't know or people who know what they're looking at? Did they like it because 'hot' or because great composition and artistic sensibility? Did the love it because "that's so beautiful and evocative of emotional surrender" or because "I could rub one out to that"? Which one is valuable to you, which do you think matters? Personally [...]


By |2018-10-10T22:38:33+01:00October 10th, 2018|Categories: Random|

I’ve been hurt for some time now. I have a spinal injury which has resulted in an acute case of sciatica. This has restricted what I can do in my life a lot. I haven’t been perusing my usual hobbies I’ve been unable to walk far, to sit for long, to lay down comfortably or sleep properly for about 6 months now. I am terribly, terribly tired! Depressing shit right? Also it’s seriously affecting my ability to concentrate. I was stuck at home for an extended period going quietly crazy as I couldn’t even sit and write due to both the discomfort and the inability to concentrate and I felt like weeks of my life were being flushed away where I had the time on my hands where in other circumstances I would have done so much. To give you an illustration, I couldn't even reach my own feet let alone tie my shoes. I couldn't even put my socks on. In the middle of this I’ve (and a fuck load of pain killers) have been to Dallas and Phoenix. The best I can say is that I’ve been equally uncomfortable everywhere during this time. Work are, on a different tack meant to be getting me a special chair but as that’s not happened despite the assessment being done weeks ago I’m currently having to work sitting on a £10 IKEA folding chair I brought in from home as it’s the most comfortable thing in the office. This should tell you something about both the state of my back and the state of the usual office chairs where I work. As I write this an MRI is finally being booked to find the root cause [...]

WykD Dave said you should never…

By |2025-01-27T19:37:31+00:00August 5th, 2018|Categories: Random|Tags: , |

One of the most frustrating things in talking to people is when you say one thing and people hear another. It's like they're expecting a certain answer from you and then they're going to hear what they want no matter how much care you put into the answer. Once at a party I was asked about tying up and suspending a certain woman and what I thought might be things to consider. There were certain physical realities that came with this woman that needed to be taken into consideration for suspending her.

Music Art and Shibari. What makes something art ultimately?

By |2025-01-27T19:38:13+00:00August 4th, 2018|Categories: Random|Tags: |

I think it's obvious not everyone can take that simple action and refine and command it to the point that they can paint a Vermeer, a Picasso, a Van Gogh. There's more to it than that. And there's more to Shibari than memorising patterns. What makes something art ultimately? Maybe one kind is where the artist takes the simplest technique and creates something beautiful with it.

Tattooed Art

By |2018-06-02T12:25:39+01:00January 27th, 2018|Categories: Random|Tags: , , , |

We have had some amazing compliments in our time but there is something amazing beyond normal description about learning someone has had your work tattooed on their bodies. We have been told by some that a particular image represents what they love about bondage to them. I can’t begin to tell you how it feels to hear something like that. In recognition of this we have decided to show our appreciation to everyone who has our bondage work tattooed on them by giving them a free print of the image they had tattooed.

What I think behaviour policy for an event should look like

By |2018-09-22T19:36:02+01:00June 6th, 2016|Categories: Random|

Hope you enjoy these. Not being 100% serious... maybe ;) Event Rules General Behaviour Deal respectfully with all other attendees. If in doubt see point 1. I don’t really have a point 3 as this is an event for adults and I don’t expect to have to specify how to behave with other adults any more than I should have to specify a no nuclear explosions policy. For any other issues see points 1 and 2. Play evenings Respect people’s play space and don’t enter into or infringe upon anyone’s scene. Don’t do stupidly loud things next to people’s quiet scenes. Don’t be a dick in any other way, even if it’s not mentioned here! Point 3 again only in a louder voice!

Self awareness luck and responsibility in rope bondage injuries.

By |2018-10-16T19:28:51+01:00November 30th, 2013|Categories: Learning, Random, Teaching|Tags: , , , , , |

Rope isn’t safe, especially not suspension. However having said that there are degrees of risk so it doesn’t mean that we should accept injuries as a matter of course, they should be few and far between. I'm always worried when people shrug off injuries to models with an ‘oh well, these things happen’. As above this depends on context, yes you're taking a risk so once in a while maybe but... When there are repeated injuries which shouldn't be occurring it’s time to ask yourself some serious questions.

Wimbledon common are we

By |2024-08-17T23:35:31+01:00August 15th, 2012|Categories: Random|Tags: , , , , , |

A few phone calls later and we planned to pick up the girl from the shoot, collect Will and Ella and meet at Wimbledon Common. Clover meanwhile has changed into her schoolgirl uniform and got ID'd in Tesco while we were buying supplies. Had a good pick-nick, a good laugh and then wouldn't you know it, off into the woods for some Alfresco bondage. Few nice outdoor suspensions, much talk and laughter and an incident with a Dalmatian later and time to head off as the day cooled down.

Sick bondage pictures (Nothing to see here)

By |2018-07-22T21:30:37+01:00July 19th, 2012|Categories: Random|Tags: , , , , |

On another site someone went to the trouble of posting a little public message on my profile. I found it interesting for a couple of reasons. They must have really trawled to find my stuff. The site in question has adult content warnings that you have to deliberately turn off to see adult images. Given the layout of the site they must have seen 4 of my pictures before entering my gallery then had to look through another 20 pictures before reaching the point that they felt they had to comment and presumably then stop perving. Ugh, you and all the people on (site name removed)  who take pictures like this are such CREEPS!!! ughhh.... And here's my reply to them. Hey, nice of you to give some feedback. If you look at most of the pictures in my profile you'll realise that the girl pictured here is in fact the photographer for the greater number of the pictures. What I'm saying is that we're partners and do what we enjoy as consenting adults together. That's our consent, not yours, your opinion, consent, thought or lack of is irrelevant. Also you might want to consider that you made an effort to come and find these pictures (how creepy is that?), no one made you look. So if this is truly distressing to you I'd suggest that you don't look. Unless of course you were looking for something to be outraged about? In which case happy to have helped. This btw . is the terrible picture that inspired them.I just found it funny really though it does make me wonder what it's like in some people's heads.


By |2018-06-13T00:25:16+01:00July 16th, 2012|Categories: Random|

Just a collection of random comments from the old site, such as was recoverable. Mastery Some things take only hours to learn but a lifetime to master. 22/09/2011 A mystery It's not a mystery why one person is good at rope, it's a mystery why so many are bad at it. 31/08/2011 About rope. Rope is not about rope. 08/08/2011 I don't do rope. I don't do rope. I do people, but I do them with rope. 10/06/2011 Unanswered questions It’s only the unanswered questions that remain fascinating.Of course they are the infuriating ones too. But the pursuit of the answer is what drives us on.The people that you care about always seem to provide more questions than answers. I used to have a very great desire to be a musician. Though I practised and became competent, I could read music, play reasonably, I never had the talent that would lift me above the mediocre. Now I see many that have a great desire to be good at rope bondage. I have great sympathy for those that try so hard, and like myself with music many simply don't have the talent for rope bondage, and no amount of trying will lift them further.I think one of the greatest shames of life is that a person may never discover their true talent. 22/02/2011 A moment of wonderful helpless suffering, the beauty of it grips my heart like her hand, holding so tight, pleading not to be let go. 21/02/2011 Sometimes it's more about becoming than being. 21/02/2011 I fear I am an unashamed addicted sensualist, Addicted not only to sensation but to being the cause of sensation in others. 21/02/2011 [...]

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